Hussein Abdallah will turn 8 this year and is now enrolled in Grade 2 (Standard 1) at Luwale Primary School... View Article

Over the last few years, AKF has been working with communities to plant small but mighty forests in both urban... View Article

On the first-ever day for ‘Children, Youth, Education and Skills’ at a COP (the United Nations’ annual climate change conference),... View Article

In December, three major initiatives were announced with AKF as a partner organization at the 28th annual Climate Change Conference... View Article

This month, at COP 28, Dubai Cares announced its launch of the Global Education Solutions Accelerator (GESA), with Aga Khan... View Article

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a serious global health crisis, the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and the Aga... View Article

When Aisha Sethi was young, she had one goal: to apply to university. Now Director of the Dermatology Global Health... View Article

It is a cloudy day in southern Tanzania as we head to a meeting with the Nema Digital Savings Group.... View Article

It was very special for me to return to Tanzania last week and participate in the 2nd International Conference on... View Article

Early childhood programs used to be places where young children took naps and adults paid little attention. Now the years... View Article