In every country, every city, and every village around the world, we find strong, compassionate, and loving dads who are the heroes in their kids’ lives. This Father’s Day, we’re saying thank you to those dads for all that they do—and to you, for supporting them along the way!
A caring dad in India

Here, a father stands for a picture with his son in Mangrol, India, where the Aga Khan Foundation works in concert with the Aga Khan Rural Support Program to support economic development and environmental protection through community-based approaches. The program currently works in over 2,500 villages, directly benefiting almost 1.4 million people.
A hard-working dad in the Kyrgyz Republic

A father poses with his two young sons outside of their barn in the Kyrgyz Republic. He is wearing a kalpak, a traditional felt cap. The Aga Khan Foundation has been active in the Kyrgyz Republic for more than two decades, revitalizing early childhood education in even the most isolated mountain communities, and growing parents’ social enterprise skills.
A dream-making dad in Portugal

Many schoolchildren in Pendão, Portugal—especially those of African origin—lack learning support at home. One young girl in the community, pictured here, dreamed of establishing an after-school center to help fix this problem. With the support of her father, and the Aga Khan Foundation, the center was built and now welcomes children ages 6–12 for playtime, homework support, and other activities for free.
An engaged dad in Kenya

A father reads to his children in Kinango Village, Kenya. The Aga Khan Foundation’s Reading for Children program encourages families to tell stories and read with children at home. The program has helped address constraints to children’s early reading at home by establishing “mini-libraries” from which parents, caregivers and siblings can borrow simple, illustrated storybooks to read with young children.
A proud dad in Tajikistan

In Tajikistan, a farmer and his two children smile at the camera. The Aga Khan Foundation’s wheat program supplies farming equipment, shares best practices among rural farmers, and provides help to market and sell the end product. Thanks to the program, the farmer pictured here has enough food for his family—and sells the excess and seeds for income.