A vibrant civil society is a cornerstone of a thriving community.

When individual, private energies come together for a public good, people are given the tools and voice they need to drive their own progress and improve their quality of life.

Private Energies for Public Good

Informed and engaged people who have the space to shape their own futures is foundational to our work. Civil society is an essential pillar, alongside a thriving economy, for building a better future.

We support a range of organizations, from local savings groups to national nonprofits building capacity, to address shared problems. Our innovative programs support these institutions to adapt to and accommodate diversity.

Local ownership is key to progress for decades and generations. Local organizations are given support to work on projects they have identified. At the same time, the organizations are building trust with their communities.

Explore more recent initiatives

Integrated Development

Poverty is a complex problem but we make progress when we we link our efforts across all sectors, from health and education to infrastructure and youth.

Civil Society

Informed and engaged people with the tools to shape their own futures is key to sustainable development. We take a broad view of civil society as private energies for public good, whether that’s a small savings group or a large public partnership. Our programs bring together partners, local organizations, and governments to address priorities.

Early Child Development

New research shows a child’s earliest years can have a lifelong impact. This calls for an approach that gives parents and caregivers the tools they need. Working with our partners, we’re developing a set of tools that will help children thrive during this critical time.

Access to Electricity

Reliable electricity can transform a community’s home life, schools, healthcare, and economy. Access to power is a key step on the path out of poverty. We work with partners and communities to take that step.

Economic Inclusion

Entrepreneurship allows people to unlock their potential and create their own jobs. We work with our partners and communities to support this drive. This includes access to mentors, business advice, technical help, and tailored financing, all designed to unlock growth.