Effective and efficient civil society organizations have been a hallmark of successful societies, whether it is in the form of farmer’s federations, arts clubs, or other non-governmental organizations. However, in many societies, they are seen as a threat. Over the span of two years, 64 laws, regulations, and other initiatives that put restrictions on civil society were adopted and put into force.

The Aga Khan Foundation therefore seeks to encourage positive developments in civil society. It sees a robust, efficient civil society – increasingly funded by indigenous sources – as a key driver of the overall quality of life, both in developing and developed countries.

Our goals

A group of female and male farmers walk together in fields in Mozambique

Enhanced capacities for collective action

Partnering with a variety of groups and strengthening capacity through training

Members of a village drinking water supply scheme at a meeting -

Strengthened values-based societies

that work together for the common good

Four men sit behind ballot boxes

Enhanced transparency and accountability

Giving increased public confidence and trust in civil society groups

Teller desks at an AKDN banking service

Improved services, resources, and economic assets

that can sustain themselves beyond the life of development program funding

Our impact


people reached by AKF-supported civil society organizations


civil society organizations strengthened and supported by AKF worldwide


of AKF’s work to foster the growth of transparent, democratically elected village organizations in Central and South Asia

Focus Areas

Focus Areas